Monday, July 25, 2011

Mommy of 6

7:30 PM

It's bedtime. Finally.

14 hours earlier...

My day starts with Little Man waking up around 5:45, ready to begin his day of mischief. Both fans still on, daddy still in bed, we tiptoe downstairs to start the coffee and relish in the quiet of the morning. We promised the other five a big breakfast. Six, including Bradley. But they aren't awake yet, which means I have a few minutes to myself. If anyone knows how to enjoy the quiet of the morning, it's a mother - especially this newly-made mother of six. So I sit quietly, sip my coffee and read the 4th Harry Potter, loving the quiet of Liam as he explores the living room and stuffs anything and everything worth exploring into his mouth.

As the morning grows brighter, I begin to hear the sound of life upstairs. Thumping feet, the flushing of the toilet, the squealing of brothers annoying one another. Ahhh... Here we go again. :) This is the beginning of my last four days of playing mama to five rambunctious, highly energized children - ages 9 to 1 1/2.

10:00 AM
Half a box of pancake mix, one sausage roll, a pack of bacon and a dozen eggs later, breakfast is over. I'm trying to encourage the oldest four to quickly clean the kitchen TOGETHER. Who knew you could have so many wars before 10 AM? Bradley and I sit in the living room while I read and he plays guitar. We spend the next several hours referee-ing games, movies, arguments - you name it. Bradley graciously lets me take a nap as I've been a bit more tired than normal lately (don't worry...not pregnant).

2:00 PM
We've skyped with mommy and daddy in Africa, seen pictures and finished some PB & J's. Quiet time upstairs. At least...almost quiet time. Still a few too many thumps and screams.

5:00 PM
Dinnertime? Ravioli! Frozen ravioli...well, almost frozen...well...cold. Cold? After some investigating, I discover why the ravioli - and the ENTIRE outside deep freezer - is completely defrosted. Why? Someone unplugged it. :( So I make the ravioli, along with both casseroles, an entire bag of chicken, and a meatloaf. Better safe than sorry, right?

7:30 PM
Bedtime. Liam is bathed. Luke is exhausted. Caleb is on his bed, and has been for the last 30 minutes since he can't seem to obey this evening. John, Becca and Hannah get their pjs, brush their teeth and get to bed. And it's quiet! Finally. Bradley starts some work on the computer, I sit down to read, enjoying once again the silence of the evening.

"Miss Jessie?"
"Yes Becca?"
"Hannah whipped me with a belt."
Sigh. "OK."

Hannah is walking back upstairs to bed, her chores for the evening finished. And now that it's bedtime - not only for the kids, but also for me - the house is quiet. :) I make them some special pudding pops, pop them in the freezer, finish some laundry, take a shower and finally lay my head on my pillow at 11:00 PM, knowing I'll be lifting it back up at 4:30 in the morning to go to work at the hospital.

Who says being a stay-at-home-mom isn't a full time job? :) But what a rewarding full time job it is!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


What does it mean to take all your thoughts captive? And how is this possible?

I'm plagued by the constant lies of worthlessness. That I am not what my husband wants. I am not what is best for my child. I can't keep my house clean, or my pantry full. I lack the knowledge to be a good nurse. I am not patient. I am not kind. I am not loving. I forget to encourage people, to uplift them. I forget to listen. I am not good enough. I am not good enough.

I am not good enough.

Thankfully, God does not judge me on the fact that I am not good enough. Because Christ is. And in that fact, I take those other thoughts captive and speak the truth.

The truth? I am a child of God and I am loved by Him.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things to love...

I was thinking this morning about the last few months and started listing off things I love/am happy/am grateful for. And I thought I'd share them. :)

1. A hubby that brings me red tulips home for no reason whatsoever.
2. A washer and drier in my home (not having them in your house is the perfect cure for disliking laundry!)
3. A baby boy who smiles at you just because.
4. Lying in bed with Bradley, my head on his shoulder, reading. :)
5. A job my husband loves.
6. Friends having babies.
7. A cute purse that doubles as a diaper bag. I love it!
8. Family nearby who loves to see us.
9. Daddy and baby showering together. :)
10. Indoor heating when the temperature outside is in the 20's.
11. Friends nearby and coffee dates.
12. A sis who comes over to make valentines day cards like we did when we were little. :)
13. Pictures. I love that we can capture special moments.
14. Cute purple slippers on sale for only $4.97. :)

And the list goes on and on!! I am so blessed and so grateful to God for my amazing life.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Liam is down for his second nap of the day and it's 10:54 AM. He usually takes one short one around 8 or 9 and then one long one right about now. It's always a dilemma for me to figure out what to do when he naps. Not because I'm lacking options! The conversation goes something like this:

"Ok...he's asleep. What should I do?"

Jessie: Clean up this living's overwhelming to have it dirty.

Slacker J: Rest on the couch and watch 24.

Jessie: Read some scripture and pray.

Bored J: Blog! (Apparently this Jessie is winning right now)

Jessie: Finish your stinkin thank you cards.

Tired J: Take a nap...Liam did get up early.

Jessie: Exercise!

Out-of-shape-post-baby-body J: Play around on facebook

Jessie: Finish laundry...

...And the list goes on. I really hope and pray that other people relate and I'm not the only one that fights with myself like that. Once I actually get moving and start getting that stuff done I feel great, it's just getting myself to move that is the problem. *Sigh. Even now, I don't want to.

On a lighter note, a very dear friend and I went out, got Starbucks and hung out at Target for awhile last night, leaving the daddy's with the babies. :) So nice to get out every once in a while! Dev tried to convince me to get some slippers and hair dye but I'm boring and declined both. Really regretting the decision to not get the slippers. They were on clearance for $7 and I've had the same slippers for 5 years! I should have gotten them...but oh well. Maybe I'll go back today and return the stupid waterproof mascara (which was definitely NOT supposed to be waterproof!) and grab the slippers instead. :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday morning procrastination

I've been trying to decide what I want this blog to be about, why I created it. People have blogs about cooking, housekeeping, exercising. They write about school, family, children, religion or philosophy. People have blogs about blogging! None of those seemed to be something I could dedicate one blog to (especially philosophy, much to the disappointment of my husband. Ha). So instead of one, it will be all of those subjects combined. And, as all my blogs turn out to be, it will become a page of rambling thoughts of an easily distracted mind. And that's ok. :) If you're reading it, you must not mind.

Bradley is at work, Liam is sleeping, the house is semi-messy and laundry is waiting. It's 10:25 and I haven't made breakfast, exercised (although that's no surprise lol) or read any scripture. I should stop wasting my time now and go be productive. :) But I felt like I couldn't create my blog without leaving at least one beginning post! And now I have and my newly-brought-to-life blog feels complete. Now, to get on with my day. :)