Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things to love...

I was thinking this morning about the last few months and started listing off things I love/am happy/am grateful for. And I thought I'd share them. :)

1. A hubby that brings me red tulips home for no reason whatsoever.
2. A washer and drier in my home (not having them in your house is the perfect cure for disliking laundry!)
3. A baby boy who smiles at you just because.
4. Lying in bed with Bradley, my head on his shoulder, reading. :)
5. A job my husband loves.
6. Friends having babies.
7. A cute purse that doubles as a diaper bag. I love it!
8. Family nearby who loves to see us.
9. Daddy and baby showering together. :)
10. Indoor heating when the temperature outside is in the 20's.
11. Friends nearby and coffee dates.
12. A sis who comes over to make valentines day cards like we did when we were little. :)
13. Pictures. I love that we can capture special moments.
14. Cute purple slippers on sale for only $4.97. :)

And the list goes on and on!! I am so blessed and so grateful to God for my amazing life.

1 comment:

  1. I love all of these! But numbers 6, 11 and 14 make me smile!!!
